Be Free from Plantar Fasciitis in less than 6 weeks by following my 3, 6, 9 programme of Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation 

Introducing The Key To Long Term Foot and Ankle Pain Relief!

How tired are you of battling with plantar fasciitis pain day in day out?

Where each step feels like walking on another path of broken glass,

Where your ability to enjoy everyday life becomes difficult.

Where too many sleepless nights because of pain and stiffness is affecting your wellbeing

All that and the debilitating fear of making the condition even worse holds you back from doing the activities you love to do

As a Rehabilitation Specialist with over 12 years of experience and having treated over 2500 patients. I understand the challenges you face.

Plantar fasciitis can be a stubborn condition, but with the right approach, lasting relief is possible in as little as 3 weeks.

Want to know more about an "at home" solution to be pain free in 3 weeks? 

Imagine No More Painful Days - Thanks to a 3 Week At Home Course

Never saying anything like this again...

"I don't know how to deal with this constant pain anymore. Its so frustrating and overwhelming."

"I feel like I am stuck with this condition dictating my every move. Its affecting everything I do in my daily life."

"I'm afraid of doing anything that might make my plantar fasciitis worse. Its like walking on eggshells all the time."

"I can't remember the last time I had a good night's sleep without being woken up by the pain in my feet. It's exhausting and demoralising."

Instead starting every day without pain, without one single visit to a podiatrist or physiotherapist, and for less than the cost of one face to face visit too!!


Proven Methods and


Unlock The Secret to Walking Pain Free Again

I have already helped over 2500 individuals like yourself overcome plantar fasciitis and regain your mobility and independence

Imagine waking up each morning feeling refreshed and ready to take on the day.

Safe in the knowledge, pain will no longer hold you back

Countdown 3 Weeks to Pain Free Living

My proven methods will empower you to reclaim control of your life and enjoy every step you take.

Just by following a 3 week "do it at home" course


STEP 1: Standing first thing in the morning is very painful along with standing from a chair or getting of a car.

Result: Massive pain reduction due to changing how you stand up

STEP 2: Walking even short distances difficult and painful. This is solved by modifying how you walk.

Result: Even less pain and discomfort.

STEP 3: Walking Longer distances are a struggle and many tasks are not attempted for fear of more fascia damage. Final stage is addressing how to strengthen your foot and ankle.

Result: Exceeding your pre plantar fasciitis mobility. (even running is addressed!). 

Just by taking action in the pre recorded videos


How Would It Feel to Live a Pain Free Life, Every Day?

Feelings With Plantar Fasciitis

  •    Frustration
  •    Overwhelmed
  •    Fearful
  •    Exhausted
  •    Demoralised

Results After 3 Weeks

  •    Relief from pain and frustration
  •    Confidence and empowerment
  •    Assured and fearless
  •    Energised and rejuvenated
  •    Hopeful and optimistic

Through the 3 week at home programme, you will achieve relief from pain. Instead feeling confident, energised and full of optimism about your future mobility and well-being

I am so confident that I offer you a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE

100% Satisfaction Guarantee 

Stephen Grinnell

12 Years Pain and Rehabilitation Experience, In the NHS and Private Practice

2500 patients treated and a 93% success rate with Plantar Fasciitis

Hi I am Stephen, qualified Rehabilitation Specialist

With over 2500 patients treated during my career, both in the NHS and in my private practice, I am a expert in rehabilitation.

My specific focus is on Plantar Fasciitis pain reduction and rehabilitation. And I have been actively involved with Physical Rehabilitation for over 12 years and have a successful and thriving Pain and Rehabilitation Clinic in Stratford Upon Avon.

With a Master Degree in Rehabilitation. I conduct research with my patients to ensure I am constantly refining my processes and techniques.

I also train other professionals around the world with my proven processes.

I am driven in constantly learning and developing new methods, movements and protocols to achieve a faster lasting recovery.

And I am currently training for a trek to Everest base camp in 2025, which has resulted in adopting many of my own rehabilitation techniques to overcome injury!!

Janet Coley

Energy Specialist

Like lots of people with plantar fasciitis it got progressively worse and my heel pain was severe even sitting down. The movements and progressive nature of the programme mean I have fully recovered and doing exercise again  

Judy Smith


I walk a short distance to my work everyday. My plantar fasciitis was so bad I was taking twice as long to get there and not able to function effectively. The initial movements felt like they were life changing and made work easier. As I improved and progressed I was able to go out for long walks again.

Linda Yearsley


I was struggling to walk more than 20 steps due to plantar fasciitis. This programme was a revelation as Initially it helped with standing and walking progressing to longer walking and standing. The last element 9, enabled me to start dancing again which I now have 3 lessons a week!

How the 3 Week Programme Works

Proven rehabilitation techniques to be pain free in 6 weeks, with a 93% success rate.

Videos you watch in the comfort of your own home and take at a pace that suits you.

Includes customised exercises and techniques deigned to target plantar fasciitis symptoms directly and effectively.

Personalised guidance and support from an experienced Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation Specialist who understands what you want to achieve, to be pain free.

Evidence-based strategies that have been proven to deliver long lasting results.

To take you from pain ridden to pain free.

Imagine a life where you no longer have to worry about plantar fasciitis pain holding you back.

With my programme, you can experience that transformation first hand - no more limitations, just the freedom to live the life you want, without debilitating pain.

Here’s What You’ll Get When You Sign Up to Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation

Mindset and Goal Setting

Getting your head in the right place is essential to success on this programme. Initially finding what you can do, what you want to be able to do and use the course as the bridge. The 3, 6, 9, programme supports this by starting with simple movements to help stand and walk and progressing you in a structured way to get better.

Bespoke Movements to reduce Pain and develop mobility while allowing your fascia to heal!

The 3, 6, 9 Approach focuses on the key areas of standing and walking initially with bespoke movements to reduce pain and increase mobility. Once the pain is reducing and mobility is increasing the programme extends your movement to build up muscles of the foot to support the fascia and get you walking and running again, Literally!

Tracking Progress with a Pain Diary for mobility take off 

Once you know where you are starting and want to go measuring progress keeps you on track. You learn to measure the magnitude of the improvement which is extremely motivating and extremely important. Most of the movements on the internet and fixes made popular are too stressful for the fascia and stop it healing by loading the damaged tissue too much.

Learn how to develop all these changes as a habit

You go through the course learn what to do and see progress. Importantly I explain how to develop this course as a habit so its automatic and you get better without thinking. You learn how to do things differently which alter the loading on your foot. Practice and making a habit helps with the fascia Healing and importantly making a lasting fix.

So, What is in the Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation Programme

How does the 3, 6, 9, approach work?


Modules 1, 2, 3: 

This module is all about straightening your leg so that you can walk and stand better. The module focus is on movements and exercises to release the back part of your leg, your hamstrings, enable you to stand tall with little fatigue


Modules 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9: 

This module is all about movements to bend your knee. This is important for stairs, walking and sitting down and getting up. Initially you are told that 90 degrees is the target but a range to 120 degrees or beyond is much more helpful and enables you to do lots more movements


Modules 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18: 

Walking and plenty of it, this module focuses on how you should walk the movements and the mechanics. I use a six minute walk test to form a baseline of your walking skill and ability with a simple goal of improving steps, length of stride and importantly balance. 


18 Modules and Bonuses: 

The complete 18 modules are progressive so as your pain from plantar fasciitis reduces your mobility increases. This bespoke programme of recovery does that in 6 weeks with 18 special modules, and the bonuses enable a lasting change and transformation pain free with a healed fascia!


Essential Bonuses to aid your recovery!

Bonus 1
Mindset and Goals

Goals give a target to aim for which is very important but I dig deeper. You will have some movements you can do well, in some cases very well. Others are partial, sort of with difficulty, like walking short distances, but unable to walk long distances. Other things feel out of reach, for example kneeing or bending.

Mindset and Goals enable rapid progress and help you understand you are where you are, and bridge the gap to where you want to go!

Bonus 2
Tracking Progress

For change to happen you need to accept where you are starting from then work to your goal. I introduce you to magnitude of improvement and percentage change to highlight positive progress. Tracking shows progress made and areas of focus.

Short frequent regular bursts are all that is needed.

Bonus 3
How to make it a Habit

95 % of our life is automatic and skills like mobility we have been doing all our life and have become habits. This has been compounded by modifications to your movement prior to surgery to cope with pain. Your movement now will also be different post surgery as your knee is straight, relatively heavy and different. Small alterations with regular practice will make a massive difference over a very short time, and enable you to make lasting automatic changes for a lasting effect.

Please don't let plantar fasciitis control your life any longer.

Take the first step towards lasting relief by buying my programme today.

Click below to join the hundreds who have already experienced the life changing benefits to my approach.

Still Hesitating?

Still unsure if our programme is right for you? Rest assured, I offer a


I am confident in the effectiveness of my approach, using my proven methods, and committed to your satisfaction.

Don't miss this opportunity to finally say goodbye to plantar fasciitis pain.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Enrol now and take control of your pain free future.

Witness the transformation for yourself

Darin McLean

Financial Adviser

Extremely focused on applying movements to help you in daily life!

I have had the benefit of working with Stephen at his clinic for several pain and mobility issues and his attention to detail is astounding.  

Ash Hussain

Family Law Solicitor

Had lots of physio before seeing Stephen, his approach is so different and targeted always looking for the root cause or issue.

Working with Stephen is so different as he explains not only what you have to do but importantly why and links to the root cause and the solution, extremely knowledgeable.

Patrick Dormon

Business Coach

Told Stephen I was 98% perfect post working with him!

Stephen was really interesting to work with as his movement approach was so different to other specialists who had tried to help me. I text saying I was 98% better he still asks me how I measure the 2%.

3 Levels for you to Tailor to your Needs

3, 6, 9 the secret to plantar fasciitis pain free success!

  • Level 1 is specific movements you can use to help with standing from sitting and walking short distances while your pain level is high 9.
  • Level 2 is specific movements to change the way you move with a focus on walking and standing for longer periods, while your pain level is reducing around a 6.
  • Level 3 is more advanced and is strengthening your foot, improving ankle movement and training you to do extended walking and standing. Along with advanced High stress movements and even running while your pain is reducing to a 3. 

Your investment in your new pain free life is £47...

What you learn on the Plantar Fasciitis Rehabilitation Programme is valued at £997! A programme of 1 to 1 support and treatment at the clinic is exactly that, not to mention the 12 years refining the programme with real patients at different stages of rehabilitation with Plantar Fasciitis.

The cost of the online course is ONLY £47.

Less than one face to face visit with a Physio!!!


You literally have nothing to lose.

The cost of the online course is £47.

Less than one face to face visit with a Physio!!!


You literally have nothing to lose.

Frequently Asked Questions

You might be thinking. "Will this programme really work for me? I've tried so many treatments already without success"

I understand you may feel wary as you may have tried other courses or worked with other specialists. However my programme is built on years of experience and many success stories from individuals just like you who have finally found relief. I am so confident about my programme that offer a MONEYBACK GUARANTEE!!

"Is it worth investing my time and money into another programme? What if it doesn't provide the relief I desperately need?"

Investing in your health is always a wise decision, particularly if it is about finding relief from chronic pain like plantar fasciitis. My programme is based on delivering results and I am transparent in sharing I have a 93% success rate. And my money back guarantee means you can buy with confidence as your investment is protected.

"I'm not sure if I have the discipline to stick to an online course. Will I be able to follow through with the exercises and see results?"

Sticking to a Rehabilitation programme can be challenging, which is why my programme is designed to be flexible and convenient. It contains easy-to-follow video lessons and guided exercises that you can complete in a time that suits you. I recommend 6 weeks, but, you can take longer if you want to.

"What if this programme exacerbates my symptoms instead of alleviating them? I can't afford to make my condition worse."

Your safety and well-being are most important. My programme is carefully designed to alleviate plantar fasciitis symptoms without causing harm.

"Can an online course really replace the personalised attention and guidance I'd get from visiting a specialist in person?"

There is no substitute for face to face to care, but, my programme offers many benefits as you have chosen to do the rehabilitation in the comfort of your own home. Going through the videos offers you flexibility, convenience, and accessibility.

Don’t wait! Look at what past students have to say about this course

Jo Reeves

Maths Teacher

When I first did the programme I was struggling to stand and walk even short distances.

I could not believe my speed of recovery. I was using the first element 3 for standing and walking. The course explains why you are doing something and importance of sticking with it. Before I knew it I was on 6, and walking my children to school, I am now on 9 and running again.

Sue Westwood


Easy and simple to follow movements that really help, You have to keep doing them to maintain your movement.

The course works well all the movements are designed to be done at home with minimal equipment. Doing them regularly I have reduced my pain to zero and increased my mobility

Ester Mahon

Costa Manager

Simple and highly effective programme of rehabilitation that saved my job.

I bought this programme as a last resort as I was unable to work effectively in my role. The first element was essential to me keeping my job as it requires lots of standing which I simply could not do. Once that was cracked to progressive nature of the programme got me out walking for over an hour.

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